Magic, Sources, Natures, and Paths

Fuchsia the Biscuit
5 min readNov 23, 2021


In the multiverse, magic exists and can be harnessed to various degrees depending on the amount of mana in the homeworld. Confect is full of mana and thus many of its inhabitants harness it in various ways. This article will outline the magic system as understood by the scholars of Pastria.

How Magic Works

Magic happens in three stages. First, mana is extracted from one of the three sources. Then, the mana is converted into magic by a living being, in the process gaining a magical nature. Finally, the method in which the resulting magic is used follows one or more of the nine paths.

The Three Sources

Magical energy is derived from three main sources. These sources can be used independently or mixed together in different ways. They all have their use cases and pros and cons.

  • The first is innate from the soul of living beings. This innate mana can be extracted by way of concentration and training. Useful and convenient for the most basic of tasks up to herculean feats, depending on the amount of innate magical energy one might have.
  • Inorganic materials like minerals and gasses can be laden with natural mana. These external energy sources are not dispersed equally within the elements. Some substances simply retain more mana. These substances are easy to be used by a society for accessible fuel for technology and magical tools without the need to exert oneself.
  • Beyond the mortal realm, there is an enigmatic spiritual one. Here, small, non-sapient spirits and large intelligent spirits alike roam. In order to gain a certain goal, they will be willing to do rituals and make contracts with humans. This source of spiritual mana discards the need to exert oneself innately or carry a supply of minerals, but instead have the downside of having to pay a certain price to the spirit in question.

The Six Natures

When someone uses mana, they transform them into usable magic with a tendency to manifest in different natures. Each nature tends to be more effective in producing certain effects. People tend to resonate unequally with each nature and have a better affinity in one or two natures. They also carry the traditional values of virtue and vice associated with them, but these are not definite personality markers, and although one could arguably achieve better results in the magic type if they embodied those values, it is not a rigid science. Furthermore, they are symbolized by elements, but that does not mean one with the nature of fire will specialize or even be able to use fire magic. Rather, it pertains to the symbolism of tradition.

One is also not restricted to one nature. Rather, natures represent the link between human emotion and magic. You can have good affinity with multiple natures, and although rare, your dominant nature can switch depending on circumstances.

  • The Fire nature is commonly attributed with people of the virtue of Justice. Consequentially, its associated vice is Vengeance. Magic with this type of nature typically has effective Destructive properties. A typical example would be shooting a fireball.
  • The Water nature is correlated with the virtue of Mercy. The vice of this nature is Injustice. Magic with this nature tends to be good in Restorative functions. As an example, magic to repair items would be effective with this nature.
  • The Earth nature is associated with Order as a virtue. Tyranny in contrast, is its vice. Protective magic is often considered good when having this nature. A spell for hardening skill, for example, would be considered more effective with this nature compared to others.
  • Wind is the next nature. Freedom is its virtue whilst Chaos is its vice. Typically, it is associated with Evasive magic. For example, flying.
  • Light is a nature that embodies the virtue of Truth. Meanwhile, its vice is Despair. Slightly more complex is its associated function, which is Revealing magic. An example would be a special kind of vision, such as night vision.
  • Shadow is the last nature and embodies the virtue of Hope. The vice for this nature is Delusion. Similar to Light, this nature is slightly complex when it comes to function, but in general it is described to be good for Realizing magic. An example of which would be to create an illusionary double.

The Nine Paths

The Nine Paths are the traditional classification of the nine types of ways one can utilize magic. It’s not a hard and fast rule, but generally speaking one does not usually have the talent to do all of these skills at once. Normally, people will have an affinity to a few and will be better at those paths than other paths.

Notably, there are actually only 6 paths that are found in the general public, with the 3 “outer paths” (soul, world, and mystery) being exceedingly rare to have any kind of usable affinity to.

  • The Path of the Mind pertains to the use of magical energy to be a conduit between the physical realm and the realm of consciousness. One who walks this path can alter his or her mind and sometimes others to different degrees.
  • The Path of the Pure users use magical power and convert it to a pure “force” that they use outside of the natural fundamental forces to manipulate things in reality. For example, moving objects with only thoughts.
  • The Path of Creation transform magic into matter. This matter is often ethereal and temporary in nature due to the natural magical decay, though with sufficient mana, an item can last permanently.
  • The Path of the Body is magic that affects biology. The body, due to being tied to consciousness and the soul, is tougher to affect with someone else’s magic. However, those of the path of the body specialize in biological magic. Reinforcing and healing biological matter is one example of how this path operates.
  • The Path of the Law is interesting because those who walk its path, ironically, use their magical energy to bend the existing laws of nature to their will. For example, by controlling electromagnetism, one can call upon lightning from the sky and direct them at their enemy.
  • The Path of Revolution focuses on transforming existing matter into different arrangements. They can permanently modify objects in the world with a thought. The stronger the magical energy and the more skillful a person is, the more unique and versatile their transmutation skills are.
  • Path of the Soul (Outer Path): The few who walks this path manipulate the soul, life, and death. If the universe was a play, then they would be in charge of the actors.
  • Path of the World (Outer Path): The few who walks this path manipulate space and time. If the universe was a play, then they would be in charge of the stage.
  • Path of Mystery (Outer Path): The few who walks this path perform improbable feats and it is impossible to predict what they can do next. If the universe was a play, then they would be in charge of the script.

